Frequently Asked Questions


Here's where we'll try to answer those questions that we've heard more than once. We've split them by category to try to make life easier, or you can use the search box in the top right of this page.


Q: Where is Bellroy based?
A: Ahhh, that's a tricky one. Many of our head office functions are in the south east of Australia (split between Melbourne and the Surf coast), but we work with creatives all around the world.
Q: How can I get involved?
A: If you're a pretty original spirit, creative, and in love with the world of carry, then we'd love to hear from you. Send us an email, or better yet, drop some comments on Carryology and we'll be sure to notice.
Q: Why an owl?
A: Owls really seem like the true global citizen. They are on almost every continent, yet still adapt to each of the regions they are in. City or country, night or day, they're pretty cool creatures.
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Q: How many cards do the wallets fit?
A: We really wanted to summarize this for each wallet, but we've found that it's a blurry answer. Because leather can stretch, you can often fit significantly more cards than intended in to a wallet. It is worth saying that all of our wallets fit more than you might initially expect, because we've designed out most of the wasted internal space.
Q: What other products do Bellroy plan on making?
A: Not T-shirts. Or caps. Or any of the other distractions that most brands are tempted into. Bellroy is about better carrying, and so you'll see us applying ourselves only to carry products.
Q: How will the wallet come packaged?
A: We have custom made cardboard cases that each wallet comes in (you can sneak a look on the Shipping page). Our courier then bags that, and ships it to you. Our packaging is made from recycled card, and kept slim and light weight.
Q: How should I care for my wallet?
A: We've written a post called 5 Tips for Leather Care, which you can find at our Carryology blog. In summary, you shouldn't need to do anything other than use it and not overly abuse it. But it's nice to see some tips for if you do accidentally dish out excess abuse...
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Q: What currencies can I pay in?
A: We currently only accept payment in Australian Dollars.
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Q: What's with the term carry?
A: Have you noticed how for years, shops and brands have been retailing bags, luggage and wallets together, without every really having a name for the category? Accessories is most often used, but we think ‘carry' suits better, and so we're pleased to finally have a term for our obsessions.
Q: What is the relationship between Bellroy and Carryology?
A: We founded Carryology when we realized there was a lack of good information on how to carry better. But once it started, it has grown to be much broader than Bellroy. We now have a large family based around the globe, contributing and sharing ideas.
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Q: How do I return a wallet?
A: First off, if something has gone wrong, we are really sorry. We pride ourselves on our quality, so have to really apologize if one has slipped through. Send us an email with the issue (pictures always help), and we'll get back to you ASAP with the next steps. Email:
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Q: Can I get it shipped any faster?
A: We use a courier that is quite fast in their delivery times. However if you have stuffed up, forgotten your wife's birthday, and need a present in a crazy hurry, send us an email with your needs. We'll see if there's any options and get back to you quickly.
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Q: Can I trust you with my details?
A: While we properly outline all this in our Terms section, a quick answer is “yes”. We need to give your delivery details to our courier, but other than that, they stay with us under lock and key.
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Terms of Trade

Q: Why are they so long?
A: We really wish we didn't have to do all that fine print palaver, but them's the rules. A quick summary for those not up for reading them all is: we're reasonable. We doubt you'll be disappointed doing business with us.
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Q: Isn't there a better material than leather?
A: This is a really tricky subject, to which we have spent countless hours trying to understand and learn. Essentially, leather is a by-product of the beef and mutton industry. With the world consuming ever greater quantities of cow, it means that leather does not require extra cattle for its production. When you then treat the leather in a low impact way, you get an organic material that lasts for years, maintains appeal for years, and remains flexible to your changing needs. Every alternative we have researched fails on at least one of these factors, and ends up having more total impact than the humble hide.
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Q: Are there brighter colors available?
A: While we often get the urge to release a really bright and poppy colorway, we are trying to restrain ourselves. Neon green and canary yellow provide a short burst of stoke, but we've found that most people tire of these pretty quickly (the fashion industry thinks of these as wardrobe flushes). We really want to make products that are used and loved for years, and so we try and pick more classic colors. If you really want us to do something brighter, get some friends together and start a petition. We might still be convinced…
Q: How should I care for my wallet?
A: Leather does not like moisture. If you can keep water away from it, your wallet should last yonks (that means a long time). Most people love the patina of use that a good vegetable tanned leather develops. We have created leathers that should ‘break in' like a good pair of jeans, without any extra care required.
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Q: How can I stay informed?
A: Sign up for some updates at the bottom of this (or any) page. We'll let you know of the important stuff, without bombarding you.
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Random Quotes

Most FAQ pages are pretty dry and boring. So we thought that the least we could do is share some cheesy yet inspiring quotes...

  • "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." – George Bernard Shaw
  • "In retrospect, all revolutions seem inevitable. Beforehand, all revolutions seem impossible." – Michael McFaul
  • "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." – Albert Einstein
  • "Newness is no virtue; oldness is no fault." – C.S. Lewis
  • "Every one of us has learned how to send emails on Sunday night. But how many of us know how to go a movie on Monday afternoon. You've unbalanced your life without balancing it with someone else." – Ricardo Semler
  • "If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito." – Betty Reese
  • "This is your world. Shape it or someone else will." – Gary Lew
  • "All experts are experts for things that did happen. There are no experts for things that may happen." – David Ben-Gurion
  • "The longer you've worked, the better the beer tastes." – Fusako Boyce