Version 2.1

Environmental Goals


Reducing harm to our planet is not easy. Plenty of good intentions result in more harm than good.

We have five goals that guide our decision making in relation to our environment. These goals continue to evolve as we all learn more about effective ways to reduce our impact.

The core of our goals have been inspired by Cradle to Cradle principles. Of all our reading, these seem to be the smartest and most realistic principles to follow.

If you have thoughts on how we could improve our approach, we (and the planet) would love to hear from you.

Our hope is that as understanding and technology improves, we will be able to change the emphasis of these goals from 'reducing impact' to that of 'nourishing our planet'.

Environmental Goals

Bellroy Environmental Goals V2.1

1. To make products that are used and loved for as long as possible

2. To eliminate serious toxins throughout our product and packaging

3. To seek biodegradable or recyclable materials and products where they make sense

4. To reduce waste and energy consumption through our entire process

5. To actively pursue better understanding about our impacts and how to reduce them

For those interested, we expand on these goals:

GOAL 1. To create products that will be used and loved for as long as possible, they need to be: Durable (stronger stitching, tightly woven lining, quality zips & components), Classic (aim for style not fashion), and have Personality (design in personalities that mean owners don't feel the need to upgrade as often).

GOAL 2. We aim to eliminate serious toxins throughout our product and packaging. That includes: Environmental toxins (bleaches, pesticides & heavy metals), Human toxins (carcinogens used in leather tanning & chrome plating, high allergy materials like nickel used in plating).

GOAL 3. To seek biodegradable or recyclable materials and products where they make sense. Use where they do not compromise points 1 or 2. Choose efficient recyclables: Polyester is a material that recycles well. Use in linings and stitching. Design for dis-assembly where possible, to assist in separation for recycling

GOAL 4. To reduce waste and energy consumption through our entire process means: More efficient business practices, Reduce business travel where possible (instead using technology to connect), Encourage work from home offices where appropriate (offices are so last season anyway), and Responsible waste management from suppliers and tanneries

GOAL 5. To actively pursue better understanding about our impacts and how to reduce them. We need to read, connect & discuss principles with knowledgeable groups and individuals, then measure impacts where feasible.